When is the right time to let go?

When is the right time to let go?

A LESSON FROM CERAMICS’ LIFE There are things in life that we would like to keep forever with us, unchanged and unchangeable. There are dreams that we would like to see fulfilled, we build them in our heads, we design them down to the smallest details, we prepare,...
Sacro Pit – 26 luglio 2019

Sacro Pit – 26 luglio 2019

Io e te fuoco, e la potenza creatrice della terra dell’acqua che scioglie la terra dell’aria che asciuga l’acqua e poi tu, fuoco il mio fuoco purificatore sancitore un’altra prova del fuoco, per quello che verrà gli elementi il fato la speranza io e te, fuoco oltre...
Why writing an autobiography?

Why writing an autobiography?

I wrote it. It took me three and half years. Has it been easy? Nop. Has it been worth the effort? oh yes! Does it mean I am a narcisist? This is a question that somebody at some point will ask you or will wonder about your character, maybe even you will ask this...
How to start to write an autobiography

How to start to write an autobiography

There are as many ways to start and autobiography as people on earth. Oh my gosh! Which one to choose? Which one is “mine”? Why am I so stuck? Because you don’t know that actually you have already started to write it. You started with that letter you...